Present Research Programs CSIR Plan Projects
S&T Revolution in Leather with a Green Touch
- Understand the role of ligand environment around the metal leading to enhanced metal – collagen interactions
- Understanding changes in porosity of leather depending on tanning/retanning
- Development of chromium syntans based on melamine and free of formaldehyde
- Developing smart chemicals that provide customer desired smart features to leather
Research Initiative on Waterless Tanning
- Understanding the attributes of collagen, tendon and leather that would enable diffusion of chemicals into the three dimensional structure of hide/skin without using water as a solvent for diffusion
Zero Emission Research Initiatives for Solid Wastes
- Effective utilization of fleshing for rubber manufacture
Environmental Research Initiative for Paper and Process Industries
- To find value addition to black liquor generated as a part of paper processing through conversion of the same into synthetic tanning agents and other auxiliaries such as dyes
Strategic utilization of rare earths
- To exploit the vast resources of rare earth elements in India by turning them into multifunctional (near infra-red light reflective) pigments devoid of harmful metal ions such as Cr(VI), Pb etc. leading to thermally comfortable surface coatings
Novel approaches for solar energy conversion and efficient silicon voltaics with smart electronics and lighting systems
- To explore the application of near IR absorbing polymers for improving organic solar cell efficiency
- New host materials for flexible organic displays
Nanomaterials: Application and impact on safety, health and environment
- to explore the interaction between proteins and various nanomaterials
Genomics and informatics solutions for integrating biology
- To identify a lead molecule for the inhibition of MMPs and sirtuins
A multi-scale simulation and modeling approach to designing smart functional materials for use in energy, electrochemistry and bio-mimetics
- To employ multiscale modeling for design and development of new molecular systems for energy storage and catalysis