For Further Information Please Contact

Head, Cell for Industrial Safety & Risk Analysis (CISRA)

CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute,
Adyar, Chennai - 600 020
Tel: +91 44 24437207

Facilities & Training

Cell for Industrial Safety & Risk Analysis (CISRA)                   CISRA Brochure     

Major industrial disasters like Bhopal , Chernobyl , Mexico City, Three Mile Island , Flixborough and Seveso have kindled the public awareness and concern over safety in chemical industries. Hazard and Risk Analysis in process industries thus assumes tremendous importance. The complex social and legal concerns of the modern society therefore, demand safety experts to develop rigorous approaches to industrial risks to stand any critical appraisal.

Hazard and Risk Analysis covers a wide range of complex issues from proper hazard identification to the development of risk control strategies and their communication to the public. Experts now need more scientific and creative methodologies to problem solving in this area. Innovative techniques with continuous update are employed in the exercise.

Profile of CISRA

The cell came into existence in the year 1985 at the Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai as an advisory body on industrial safety. In 1987 it was transformed into a professional cell with the following objectives:

  • Development of infrastructural facilities and engineering expertise in hazard and risk analysis
  • Creation of information and data base on chemical hazards
  • Training and education on chemical hazards and risks
  • Technical consultancy on hazard/consequence/ risk analysis
  • Research and development in process hazards and cascade or domino effects

CISRA enjoys the distinction of working on safety studies for a wide spectrum of chemical and process industries. CISRA group had developed high level expertise in consequence Analysis, Hazard and Operability studies (HAZOP), Fault Tree / Even Tree Analysis, Risk Assessment and equipment and instrument reliability.

CISRA so far carried out about 150 consultancy assignments. The projects include major gas processing complexes, petrochemical complexes, refineries, chloralkali plants, pesticide and drug industries, detergent manufacturing unit, cluster of chemical industries, metal powder units, LPG storage and handling with bottling facilities, port installations, transfer operations etc.


CISRA conducts training courses and seminars not only on the complete Hazard and Risk Analysis but also on independent themes like Hazop, Consequence Analysis, Safety Audit, Reliability Analysis and Thermochemcial studies. Advanced tailor made training programs are also offered in specialized subjects to meet clients individual needs.


Various computer software are available with CISRA for Consequence Analysis, Hazop and Safety Audit. These are

  • FETI
  • Effects 1 & 2 by TNO
  • Hazop PC by Primatech
  • Hazop Pro from Bell Engg.
  • Safety Audit from Primatech
  • Safety Micro of DNV Technica
  • Aloha from EPA

Services Offered by CISRA

  • Complete Risk Analysis
  • Hazard & Operability Studies (Hazop)
  • Consequence Analysis or Maximum Credible Accident and Consequence Analysis
  • Reliability Analysis
  • Risk Contours
  • Risk Estimation
  • Safety Audit
  • Emergency Plan or Disaster Management Plan
  • Thermo chemical Analysis
  • Environment Health and Safety Support Services

Specialized Services

  • Accelerating Rate Calorimeter
  • Thermal Analysis
  • Reaction Calorimeter Studies
  • Reactive System Screening
For Further Information Please Contact

Head, Cell for Industrial Safety & Risk Analysis (CISRA)

CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute,
Adyar, Chennai - 600 020
Tel: +91 44 24437207